Adobe IO : JWT authentication with Python

On this article, I will guide you to create an JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication for Adobe. My example will be based on the Admin Console, the user management, because this is one of the few that are supporting the JWT authentication at the moment. Everything that is going to be explained now is a…

Adobe Admin Console – Groups & Profiles

This blog post will deal with the Admin console profiles and group set up. I will try to explain how theses exactly work together and how you should actually set them up. When you are managing a company with Adobe products, you used to have your management rights directly within your tool, be it Analytics,…

Adobe Customer Attributes

On this article, I will try to explain the Customer Attributes and how you can implement and leverage them within your company. As usual Customer Attributes has already been explained by Jan Exner Pedro Monjo on his blog (when it is not one, it is the other), feel free to check it out :…

ES6 Javascript (or Pythonscript)

Hello everyone, On this article I will describe some new functionalities that came to JS from the ES6 released (I know it is late). I was never really interested on that, even if I knew them, because they were widely not supported. However, during the last year, most of the browsers have been updated and…

My Path Towards Data Science

OK I admit it! This title is a bit presumptuous, I should have named it something like “My path towards data analysis with python”, but temptation was too great; I had to have a clickbait title for this one… and here you are 😉 . In my company, there are proper data scientists and we…

One idea : Hegel & Historic Dialectic

This second post on philosophy is going to be on Hegel, on his conception of progress. The title of this post could have been : Concept of Progress and how are we getting any better. Short Intro : Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is a german pilosopher that lived in Berlin for the most part.…

One Idea : Kant & Universalism

Hello readers, This is the first post of its kind and I hope that it will be followed by many others. I will go away from pure python or analytics discussions here and discuss some ideas and how I try to apply them to work environment. The full explanation of this series of blog posts…

Blog Posts : One Idea / Concept

This article is to explain you the new type of post that I will start to write this year.  It is very different from what I have written so far but I find that some times taking a step back on your actions and have an overview on what you are trying to realize is helpful.…

2018 Review

Hello everyone, this post is a bit special as I will try to recap whatever I read / saw or happened to me around data analysis during the past year. I hope you’ll get a good read about this field and this will help you to find your way on your career.  I wanted to do…