Adobe Analytics API 1.4

Adobe Analytics API : Statement creation

When you want to use the Adobe Analytics, you will need to create statement as JSON object to the API.
In order to do that, the Statement class allows you to retrieve a blank sheet of statement for you to play with, but I would always recommend to read the Adobe documentation.

Adobe Analytics Statement syntax

Adobe documentation – version 1.4

It used to be a very extensive documentation for developer that wanted to use the Adobe Analytics statement on Adobe website.
(Un)Fortunately Adobe is at the moment working on the new version of the API. We are working with the 1.4 version and Adobe plan to launch Adobe Analytics API 2.0 in 2019.

Due to that schedule, they are starting to remove the documentation for the 1.4 versions.
It is still accessible but a lot more scatter around some “pages” around a github repository.

I would encore you to start here :

You would need to look at lots of pages to find the information you are looking for but I would also give some tips for the creation of statement.

Tips for the statement syntax

As I explained in the introduction to this API, I created this API as I wanted to use some data for my own analysis.
I focused on the reporting section of this API and therefore I am no expert on the whole Adobe Analytics API, I know mostly the reporting part and as Adobe is planning to release a new version of the API and change most of its setup with the Marketing Cloud user migration, I would prefer to wait before digging into other non-important-for-me part of the API.

These tips concern the statement for report creation:

    • when you have no “top” for your dimension in your statement and your request a non-data-warehouse request, the default number of rows for your dimension is 10.
      I would then recommend to be careful of that, even if 10 is actually a good number to start with when you realize your first request.
      You can look if the data returned are in the format you expected, verify their integrity and re-run the statement with larger number of rows.
    • when there is no “source” requested, Adobe Analytics API set the source as the normal report.
      Normal report means the type of report you can see in the Workspace environment:

      • 50K rows limitation
      • (low traffic) row is display
      • if you set “warehouse” as “source” in your statement, you will retrieve a Data warehouse report, you can actually see the request being processed in the Data Warehouse environment in Adobe Analytics.
      • No other “source” other than “warehouse” can be set. This is the only possible value of this argument.
    • Data Warehouse requests have some limitation:
      • No entries or bounce rate metrics
      • Calculated metrics are not accessible
      • Some segments don’t work
    • Good side of Data warehouse requests:
    • no limitation of number of rows
    • Every single element – no (low traffic) row limitation.

I hope those tips were useful for creating your statement for Adobe Analytics.
I hope that the Adobe Analytics documentation will get better by the time the release the new version of the API.

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